How to Test Damaged Speaker
As a quick and dirty test: Compare the two sets of data, particularly in the tweeter’s passband, allowing some margin for error. Check for deviations in frequency response, increased harmonic distortion, etc.
Its a website
As a quick and dirty test: Compare the two sets of data, particularly in the tweeter’s passband, allowing some margin for error. Check for deviations in frequency response, increased harmonic distortion, etc.
Why SFTP over FTP? The reason is visualized in its name: “S”, that means Security. Using SSH will employ a client-server model to authenticate two parties and encrypt the data between them. This topic will guide you through how to setup an SFTP authentication mechanism using public key cryptography, the working OS is CentOS version 6.9. Let’s get…
Read More “How to setup an SFTP server with RSA public key authentication mechanism” »
One of the most common issues that people come up against is that they’ve rolled out one FreePBX machine, and now they want another, somewhere else. And to make it just that little bit harder, they want to link them together. At first, this can be a bit daunting, but it’s not – when you…
This is a quick tutorial on how to create a new administrator account on a Windows computer. Step 1Open CMD Prompt… On Windows XP, click the Start button, then open up Run…, and type in “cmd” and click OK. On Windows Vista or Windows 7, click Start, search for “cmd” and press Enter. Step 2Add Username and Password Now, in the…
Read More “Create an Admin User Account Using CMD Prompt (Windows)” »
Reading Time: 10 minutes Level: Beginner – Intermediate – Advanced Version: Any Unreal Engine Version Help Others Learn Game Development C++ is the most effective and widely used programming language for creating video games. It’s also the language Unreal Engine, arguably the most popular game engine in the world, uses too. However, there are some differences between…
Warning 1: You must know what the following commands do before you execute them. Check the link above and MS’s documentation for diskpart, dism and reagentc. Warning 2: Check disk numbers, partition numbers and volume letters carefully before executing commands.
Core Mechanics CORE MECHANICS:I want to start this guide off quickly by introducing what I’d call core mechanics. Whenever you want to get really good at a game really fast, you are not looking at the game in the same way as everybody else, and what I mean by that is you want to min/max…
Read More “Comprehensive Civ 6 Guide to Skilled/Advanced Play” »
Legacy Guide If you have the Rise and Fall expansion, click here for the updated guide. This guide is no longer updated, but will remain for the sake of those without the Rise and Fall expansion. Introduction Note: This guide only covers content released prior to the Rise and Fall expansion. Content from any DLC pack released…
You can make them in early prep, cool them, and then cut them. Doing so you generally don’t want them to have as much water (not dry you just want the cold grits to retain all of the water so they’re moist when you cook them again). This gives clever options for pan frying the…